Saturday, September 06, 2008

New Layout and Grandma's Birthday.

Yeah. I finally got the stuff done for my new layout. I like to change my layouts according to the seasons. I really like this one because I love primitive graphics and I love snowmen. That is the one thing that I like better on myspace than on facebook. Individuality. But here's to the new layout.

I also updated my photo with one of my favorite photos that I've taken recently. I love photography and this is a photo of a flower that was in my flower garden and I just love it...maybe because it's kinda blue.

My mom and I went with my grandma today to celebrate her birthday. I think she's 75. (Mom said that she changed her birth certificate so she could work a year earlier and isn't sure what year she was actually born in.) She wanted to go the casino to get her George Foreman Grill. They try anything to lure you in there. Oh well. She got it and had some fun. The people at the casino even sang to her, which was pretty cool. She liked that. So, I guess it was worth the trip. :)

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