Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Winter is finally coming...

We had a really nice Thanksgiving here at our house.  My sister, Jamie and her kids came over for dinner.  I had to work the night before, so it was later than usual.  After, our family gathered together at my grandparents for pie.  It was nice to see everyone.  (My grandpa seriously needs to make more banana cream pie!)  This is Jamie and her daughter Ilana.

We went shopping at Wal*Mart on Black Friday.  There were some things that my mom wanted to get.  We started out at the midnight sales and were going to return at 5 a.m. for an external hard drive that I wanted, but mom wanted to stay and buy a laptop.  So, we stayed...all Wal*Mart.  Yes, we are a little bit crazy...

This past week, I have been sick and had to miss church.  I really notice a difference in my week when I am unable to attend.   I work a rotational weekend shift, so it is important to me to attend when I can.  I haven't felt this cruddy in awhile and I'm hoping that this is my "one" for the winter.  (Usually I get really sick one time each winter.)

Snow is in our forecast.  For all of next week.  We knew this weather was too good to last.  Usually we have our first snowfall on or around Halloween and that didn't happen this year.  It was well into November before it even hinted at snowing.  Hopefully, the weather won't be too terrible and last too long.  Here's hoping...

Jamie and I are getting our stuff together to start our project 365 that Allison had suggested to us.  We are excited to do this as we both LOVE taking photos.  It will be a great way to show them to everyone.  I will post more when we get everything set up.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Making Monkey Bread

Is this why they call it monkey bread?



Oh, now I get it...wait... :/

Stake Conference & Music

A week ago, my niece, Ilana, asked me if she could ride with me to the Kalamazoo Stake Conference.  This was held today in Battle Creek, which is about one hour and fifteen minutes away from where we live.  It was a great session.  At one point, they asked the youth, aged 12-18 to stand.  Having just turned 12 last week, I told her that that was her.  She was a little embarrassed to be standing, but it wasn't like she was the ONLY one standing.  :)  Overall, it was an edifying experience for both of us and I am glad that we went.  It was too bad that my sister, Jamie, had to work.
I have always been interested in music.  Specifically, the lyrics of a song.  I like to really listen to what they are trying to say.  One song I have been stuck on recently is "I've Always Loved You" by Third Day.  The chorus of the song is as follows:
Don't you know I've always loved you
Even before there was time
Though you turn away
I'll tell you still
Don't you know I've always loved you
And I always will

If you haven't listened to Third Day, you should.  They are one of my favorite Christian Rock bands.  Another song that I always have to listen to three or four times when I hear it is "Close Your Eyes" by Michael and Jeff McLean.

We popped the corn before we left
We had no cash to spare
His cousin ran that old drive-in show,
so daddy took us there

When the film would frighten me,
he held me on his knee
and said we'll get through this together somehow
and whispered tenderly

Close your eyes, this part is scary
Take my hand, it won't last long
You will love the ending, I promise
When this part of the story is gone

That drive in show closed years ago,
it's long since over grown
My car can barely drive through the weeds
to park there all alone

The movie of my life's become
more than I can face
and I'm looking for answers in places he taught me
to not be afraid to have faith

Close your eyes, this part is scary
Take my hand, it won't last long
You will love the ending, I promise
When this part of the story is gone

For love cannot be defeated
just like the sun, it will rise
Things will look so much clearer
if you'll stop

and close your eyes
Take my hand
You will love the ending I promise
when this part of the story is gone

Even though, it might look hopeless
You will see, that love wins the prize
and fears disappear, and you'll see much clearer
if you'll just close your eyes

Perhaps he was sayin'
it's easy a-praying
if you'll
close your eyes
 All the songs on the "Father and Son" album are good, but this is my favorite song.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Brothers and sister can get along...for 18 seconds

Job description of a nurse

You must be a proficient: cook, housekeeper, TV repair-person, plumber, waitress, catcher, advocate, listener, educator, comforter, babysitter, masseuse, respiratory therapist, security guard, psychologist and mechanic.

You must be willing to be: slapped, punched, scratched, bitten, kicked, sworn at, over-worked, under-appreciated and on the rare occasion, hugged.

It must not bother you to have these spilled on you: urine, feces, sputum, blood, mucus and other miscellaneous body fluids that you probably didn't know you had.

You must be an expert in all lab results, radiology tests, procedures and medications.  You must know what the patient is thinking before they do. You must be fluent in all languages including the local jargon.  You must be able to make it through a twelve-hour shift without taking a break to eat, drink or use the bathroom.  You must be accountable for everything and everyone on your unit.

You must have a strong back to lift things; a soft shoulder for people to cry on; compassion and empathy that is never-ending, strong feet to withstand standing on them for twelve hours without sitting, extraordinary senses, adeptness in the art of perception, excellent eyes to interpret physician's orders and ears to hear things that were not spoken aloud.

You must be willing to sacrifice your personal life as you will not have time or energy for anything but nursing.  You must be willing to work every holiday without complaint.  You must know every bone, muscle, nerve and organ in the body and what every symptom is indicative of.  You must always have a smile on your face and not show how stressed you are.  You must be computer savvy and be able to fill out paperwork in a speed that would make a NASCAR race look slow.

If this sounds appealing to you, we are always recruiting new nurses to our profession.  Remember: a nurse is not what you do, it is who you are.

Monday, November 08, 2010

Genealogy vacation #2

We went to Lansing for my birthday this year to get my paternal grandma's and paternal grandpa's birth certificate. Having finally received the death certificate from St. Louis, we were excited for this venture. I have lived in Michigan all of my life and have never been to the capital. It was a fun trip, but getting records is expensive!! It cost me $72 for the two records and I didn't even get the one. We did get a free tour of the capital building, which I was very impressed with. Although the custom-made door knobs, hinges, and glass were pretty, I'm pretty sure that that is where my hard earned tax dollars went.

Ilana and me sitting on the steps of the Capital Building

My manager, Tara, has asked me to train for ICU so I can fill in for someone who is taking medical leave in December.  This should be interesting and something different from the daily routine.  I used to work in ICU, so it won't be that much of training.  Granted, I haven't worked in ICU for 4 years now, but I'm sure it's like riding a bike...

The hospital that I work at now is being bought by the hospital that I used to work at.  (Well, technically still work at.  I am relief there and pick up 4 hour shifts here and there.)  This merger should be finished by the first of December.  It will be interesting to see the changes that will happen with our small hospital.  I really like the new CEO and am optimistic that he will bring great change for us.

I have been waiting ALL YEAR to put snowmen up as I love them.  It snowed the other day here, so I am safe.  Since I am up all night tonight (a downside of working the night shift--you never have normalcy), I figured a change was in order.   Is everyone ready for the holiday season?