Friday, January 01, 2010

New Year

Hi all. A new year has come upon us. I haven't been on the computer that much in recent months, so that is the reason for lack of posts.

For my birthday (way back in October), we went touring around Michigan on a genealogy expedition. That was quite fun. I might make it a yearly event.

More recently, for the Christmas Holidays, it was just mom & I here. I had to work during our family Christmas party, so that was disappointing.

We've got lots of snow here & it's supposed to keep snowing. I don't really like the snow. I was going to see about positions in FL, but I have to stay in MI until I get all my medical tests & things figured out.

I am seeing a neurologist about my epilepsy & migraines. I've had epilepsy all my life & have been on the same medication for 10-15 years. They want to change my medication because it's not good to be on that for that long. It's kinda scary, but I understand their reasoning.

I hope everyone has had a wonderful Holiday season & a Happy New Year!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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