Saturday, December 04, 2010

We went where at midnight?!

Our family has this penchant for midnight releases.  We going at midnight to see things.  (I don't normally use ascii symbols for things, but I couldn't help myself this time.)  We are excited for Breaking Dawn Part 1.  I have heard many different dates for this, including 11-11-11.  Other dates have said the following week.  This wouldn't be nearly as memorable a date, but oh well.  I guess we'll figure it out when the time gets closer.  If it is 11-11-11, that would mean we would go on 11-10, which is my niece, Ilana's 13th birthday.  She is not excited about waiting, but excited about it being her birthday.

Last night, we (meaning myself, my sister Jamie, my nieces Ilana and Isabel and my nephew Alex) went to Wal*Mart at midnight to get our copy of Eclipse.  I must say it wasn't as exciting as it was for the New Moon release and there were not 1/2 as many people there.  They had cupcakes and a souvenir, but the excitement of the midnight release just wasn't there.  We actually got out of the store, movies in hand at 12:05 a.m.  Crazy!  Here are some photos from last night.
Isabel, Jamie, Ilana and Alex.  This was taken while we were waiting in line. We don't know who the guy is behind them.

Isabel showing off her lanyard prize they gave us.  It had tattoos and stickers inside.
We found these crazy kids at Wal*Mart in the middle of the night.  I'm not sure what Ilana has.

Alex and Isabel went straight home and watched the movie as they were unable to see it in the theater.  I must say though, I have never heard so much dinging in the back of the car from cell phones as I did when I had these three in the back seat.  (Oh, and from Jamie in the front.)  The last two photos were taken by Jamie, who I was surprised was still awake after having woken up around 3:30 that morning to go to work a 12-hour shift!

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