Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Yesterday was plain awful...

So, yesterday was not a good day for me.  It was the first day I had been back to work in over a week.  It started when I went to clean the snow off of my car and the little plastic piece that holds my windshield wiper broke.  My windshield wiper fell off into my hands.  I was getting ready to leave for work, so I had no time to go to the store and get new windshield wipers.  So, I went to work minus one.  Not fun when it is snowing, let me tell you.

Then, when I got to work, I noticed that there was tear in my scrub top.  I pinned it with a safety pin and hoped that would hold until morning.  I jammed my fingers and broke my nail down to where it really hurts.  When I went to print a census for the morning crew, the printer in ICU was out of paper.  ICU being closed, everything is locked up, so I went over to the joint unit to print them.  (They don't print on our unit for some reason.)  Well, the joint unit computer needed a password to sign onto windows.  Neither I nor Lidy (who normally works there) knew what it was, so I stole some paper and went back to ICU.  Well, the printer jammed in ICU while printing the census.  Did I get the page I needed?  NOO!  So, down to Rehab I went.  Finally after visiting almost every floor in the hospital, I got the census.

All in all, it was a crazy day.  But, I made it to and from work safely (with only one windshield wiper, I might add.)  All my patients were safe and as far as I know, we didn't have any catastrophes.  Plus, my friend Danny sent me this really funny you-tube video.  Here it is:

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