Sunday, April 22, 2012


It has been a long time since I have updated my blog.  I guess it is because I haven't felt like I have had to much to say.  I mean, work has been the same.  I work, I read and that is about it.  Okay, that is not all, but I have no other excuse as to why I haven't updated this blog.

I have decided to give up on trying to do a Project 365 blog.  I just cannot do it.  I give kudos to Allison and all those who can, but it just doesn't work for me.  Why?  The only explanation that I can think of is that I work nights and my days and nights always get messed up.

I have made great progress on my book review blog, however.  Young Adult Book Reviews has surpassed all the goals that I made for it when I started it last June.  I can hardly believe that it has almost been one year since I started reviewing books.  I have been to a few conventions and book signings since I last blogged. 

The latest being the RT Booklovers convention in Chicago.  It was a lot of fun.  We only went for Teen Day, which was Saturday, because that was the day that they had over 100 authors signing books.  Since RT stands for Romantic Times, it was heavy on the romance authors, but they had Teen Alley which had a lot of YA authors.  It was a lot of waiting, but a lot of fun, nonetheless.

Us on the balcony of our hotel
I have enjoyed my new job and have learned a lot.  I am working in the ICU for two nights as Resource RN (meaning charge) and then one night out on Med/Surg.  This is good because there is some different skills that you use in the different departments and I don't want them to get rusty.

Spring is here and there is a lot of things that I want to do to my house.  I have great aspirations and I don't know if everything will get done.  I am kinda depressed about the state of the house because it needs SO much work.  Remind me never to buy a fixer upper again!

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