Sunday, June 12, 2011


Things have been a little busy around here lately.  I did go to Nashville for the nursing conference.  Because of this, I had to work a lot before and after.  I haven't been getting called off for low census lately, so that is good.  But it makes for a tiring week when you actually have to work your scheduled days.  :)  I have been scheduled a lot of Sundays recently, which kinda stinks because then I usually don't go to church because I'm sleeping to prepare for work.  I am already sleep deprived working the night shift, so I cannot afford to lose any sleep before working.  I have to be mentally alert when I'm dealing with patients.  I have been trying to get a day position, but there haven't been too many of them.

I also have been doing a lot of things lately.   Jamie and I attended the NKOTBSB concert in Grand Rapids.  This was amazing!  I have been to BSB concerts before, but this was intense!  The way they kept switching between NKOTB and BSB songs was phenomenal.  It always kept you out of your seat.

Most recently, we took Ilana, Alex and Isabel to Lansing to a book signing with a few Young Adult Authors.  We were so tired by the time we got to the signing.  The signing was on Saturday, but we left Friday so we could do a few things in Lansing while we were there.  We saw the capital building.  At first, we were in a tour with a class who looked to be about fourth or fifth grade.  The tour guide asked them a bunch of questions about Michigan and they knew the answers!  I was impressed.  Jamie was wondering how she could sign Ilana up for that class. 
At the capital building.  This was taken from the 4th floor
We also went to MSU because Alex wants to attend there after high school.
Standing in front of Spartan Stadium
We were so excited by the time that the authors came out.  The authors were: Ellen Schreiber, Aprilynne Pike, Josephine Angelini and Veronica Roth.  There were two other authors there to get their books signed by the four above.  They were Courtney Allison Moulton and Aimée Carter.  It was fun-filled day.

I have a couple of doctors appointments coming up.  With the merger of our hospital with a bigger one, we got new medical insurance and had to get new doctors.  This means that I had to get a new neurologist also.  I also have an appointment with an allergy specialist because I have been getting hives recently.  At first I thought it was due to something at work, but then it started happening when I wasn't at work.  I'm at a loss.  I haven't tried anything new and I just cannot figure out what is causing them.  My co-worker said that stress can cause hives...maybe...

I haven't been keeping up with my Project 365 blog.  This is harder than it looks.  I have had some health issues that I have been dealing with that have made it difficult.  I have to give Kudos to Allison for keeping it up for the second year.  I need to get back to doing it.  

The weather here has been crazy.  One day it will be in the 90s and the next we'll have 70s and rain.  Mother Nature just cannot make up her mind what she wants to do.  They always say that if you don't like the weather in Michigan, wait five minutes and it will change.  I guess that is true.