Wednesday, July 07, 2010

It's definitely summer!!

We have had a “heat wave” here in Michigan this last week…or so the meteorologists say. Yes, it has been 90-100 degrees outside the past few days, but it IS summer. When it is hot, I want it to be cooler. When it is cold, I want warmer. I obviously live in the wrong spot because seasons in Michigan are vastly different. I should move to a place where it is 60-70 degrees all year long. If I did that, what would I complain about then?

I have been enjoying my orientation in my new job. Last night, I was the unit clerk. I haven't done that in 6-7 years. It was good to learn the computer system though. I will be on orientation until the end of July. There are two other nurses orienting with me.

I applied for a dayshift position that opened when my ex-roommate/good friend Melanie, took another job. They called me today & told me that the position was re-evaluated and was made a part-time position. Do I want to go from full-time to part-time to get off nights? Hmm…I lay here now in bed contemplating that while I listen to “Life of Pi” by Yann Martel and writing this blog post.

Pros-I have an EKG class in the morning and it would be so much easier if I worked on days. I really want to finish my BSN. It would be easier to accomplish things on days off rather than sleep.

Cons-It is part-time. This means 48 hours a pay period instead of 72 hours. I would have to get up at 4 am to get ready for work. I know I would get used to it, but it just sounds exhausting.

Enough of my ramblings…I should finish this post so I can go to bed so I can get up at 6:30 for class. (I know that doesn't SOUND early, but I am used to going to bed at that time.). Here are some pictures on my phone:

This is my John F.Kennedy rose that I got last year. (I love taking pictures of nature!)

A pretty weed. :)

Location:Bangor,United States

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy Independence Day

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Holiday! I am sitting here in the parking lot at work waiting for it to be time to go in. (I have 30 mins before I can punch in.)

It is very warm today & the trees are begging for rain. We have gotten SO much rain lately, I cannot believe they would want more. Maybe just because it's hot…

We went to the Twilight Trilogy Tuesday to see Eclipse. That was fun. It is very different to see the movies with a bunch of fans & hear their reactions to things that EVERYONE knows is going to happen. They gave us these buttons:

Yesterday, we went to the IMAX theater to see Eclipse. The movie screen was HUGE! We had a little problem going up there because they closed the highway (the theater was 1 hour away.)

Bangor had fireworks last night, which was amazing. They haven't had them in years. I took this funny picture with my phone. I should've brought my better camera. :(