Saturday, December 27, 2008

I hope everyone had a Wonderful Christmas!!

My Christmas was pretty good this year. I had to work Christmas Eve and then went to our family Christmas party at my grandma's house. We didn't stay very long because I was super tired, but it was nice to see my family. We only get together (all of us at once) twice per year, so it is nice to be able to get together. Mom and I spent Christmas at my house. It was just her and I, but it was really good. We were safe and warm, what more could we ask for?

Work has been going okay. I didn't realize how difficult it would be to get back into inpatient nursing. It has been a chore and tiring. I guess having to leave 1 hour before my shift doesn't help the tiredness either. I think that I am doing well, though. I would say that I am doing better than I expected. I had expected there to be much more pain involved, but it hasn't been too bad. There are so many things that I have learned and so many things that I know I NEED to learn.

I did get a new Centro, and yes, I got it from Sprint. I was thinking of switching from Sprint, but it would be more cost effective to stay with them for now. Maybe I will switch at some later point, I'm not sure. They do have the best coverage in the area and the fact that I have a tower practically in my back yard helps.

People were talking in orientation that this winter would be worse than the winter of 1978, but the weather here has been kinda weird lately. We have gone from blizzards to where I cannot see to the street to rain, thunderstorms, and flooding this morning. In any event, it doesn't make for good driving! Doing fishtales because the rain freezes in the night is not fun!

I hope that everyone is doing well and had a wonderful and safe Holiday!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sprint is D-U-M-B, dumb!

This week was a hard one. On Thursday and Friday, I was back on the floor. I haven't done floor nursing since before my accident. I had forgotten how taxing it is on the body. I got all my codes and stuff and have been trying to remember them as best I can for the new technology that I am not used to. There is a user name/number for everything. I can understand the need, but can't they use ONE for everything? Not only do I have to remember everything about the patient, but try to remember a myriad of codes as well. I'm sure in a week or so, it will be like an old hat, but now, it's work. I'm sure that as the days go by, it will get better, but it just seems so hard right now.

I was so happy for Friday because then I would get three days off. Days to rest...or so I thought. Today (Saturday), I had my phone in my coat pocket, and was putting my coat up and it hit the door jamb. I checked my phone and the screen on my Palm Centro was cracked, which almost renders my phone useless. I say almost only because I can still answer calls. I cannot dial any calls, but I can answer them. I took it to the Sprint store (which was 45 min away) and they told me that I have to call the insurance company (I pay $7/month for equipment protection in case if something like this happens) and that it would cost me $50. I couldn't believe it. It would only cost me $70 to update to the newer model of the Centro, why would I pay $50 to fix my broken one? I was so mad at Sprint. Not only for what they told me but because I wasted my gas (& time & money) to get there.I am thinking of switching companies. I am definitely canceling my equipment protection!

I'm hoping that the rest of the weekend goes better.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Updates, more orientation...

I tried to post this week, but blogger and firefox were not communicating for some reason and it wouldn't let me. I am now posting in IE (which I don't like very much!). Last week was tiresome! I think that sitting in a class and paying attention for 6 - 8 hours a day wears you out more than physical labor does. It takes so much work to pay attention. I had to laugh because they had someone come in and talk to us about ergonomics and back safety and most of the tables/chairs were not designed for someone of more than average height. Hmm...

This week we have one more day of nursing orientation where we learn paperwork. FUN! Then we have computer training. I'm actually looking forward to that because at least we will be actively DOING something rather than just sitting and listening. That is two days. After that, I'm not sure what we'll be doing. I'm hoping to get my schedule on Monday. They told us that if our preceptor has to work the holidays, then so do we, so it would be nice to know.

Other than that, the only thing that is new is that my teeth still hurt. I went to the dentist two weeks ago and he "re-did" some fillings. Well, they've hurt ever since and I haven't been able to even close my mouth. The fillings didn't hurt before! Why did they mess with them? I need to find out my schedule to I can arrange an appointment to figure out what's going on.

We went to Riley's Christmas Program on Thursday. That was fun. They had pizza and then the head starters sang their songs. Here is an adorable picture of Riley singing "Feliz Navidad." This is the part where they say "from the bottom of my heart."

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


I have been in orientation for the past two days and it has been boring. You know...policies and procedures. Tomorrow I start nursing orientation and that will last until next Wednesday. I hope it will be more interesting than these past two days. I know that I have a medication test. I'm hoping it won't be too bad. Watching movies all day and listending to people speak make me really tired.